
Just a place for my thoughts, small achievements and rants.

Thursday, January 30, 2003

I've lost seven pounds since I started dieting. I'm not trying to overdo it, I just cut out my late night snack which normally consists of a sandwich and a single serving of yogurt. Sometimes, I eat a pastry of some sort too, but that's history as well.

I don't really deprive myself of anything specific - no taboo foods - but that late night snack seems important enough to keep me awake more than half the night, if I don't eat. I tossed and turned until after 5 in the morning, the night before last, because my stomach hurt so bad.

Hubby said it will take a couple of weeks before my body accepts this new change and stops protesting. Hmmm, we'll see!

I'm deleting my diet page because it's easier to document the weight loss directly onto my blog. I hate going into the site specifically to add one little piece of information that's no more than a short sentence consisting of 20 characters.

I must be getting lazy because there's alot I hate doing now and I'm not sure why. If this doesn't change soon I'll have to start taking ginseng again to kick up my energy level.

I need to take better care of myself before I fall apart completely.

Thanks for stopping by..........see you next time!

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

The List

Some people compete with their sites.
I used to and it was alot of fun....... I even won a few times.

This is going to be an ongoing list of sites I would not reccommend for Vote Exchange.
The reason is simple:
Any site that will post a notice NOT TO VOTE for competitor sites, or any site that sends email to everyone in their address book to stop them from voting for an opponent, doesn't deserve to win anything, and doesn't deserve to have people vote for them.

Now, on with the list;
The List

To have a site added to the list, send me the information (site name, URL)
Send me proof. (forward the email that is circulating, or send me the link of the objectionable page)

If you find yourself on this list and think it's not fair, send me proof of your innocence.

Monday, January 13, 2003

The Movie Network

I saw a short movie (I think they call them "movie shorts") that ran in the break between movies. I don't know what it's called. I've been looking for it ever since.
Here's the scenario:
An odd group of men, women and children sitting in a room, wearing name tags all speaking in broken sentences. One woman (named "huggy bear" or a name equally as ridiculous) kept asking people if they want hugs. A young girl (of twelve or thirteen) responding to another person, blurts out "do you have a big c*** ?". Two men in private conversation are becoming intimate....one of them - named Sally, is complaining about his homophobic room mate. I think you probably see where this is going.

This 5 or 10 minute movie depicts the deception of chat rooms. The young girl and older women both misrepresenting their ages. One of the two men engaged in intimate conversation, misrepresented his gender. Etc, etc......
Everyone knows all you need to do is pick a name (mine is HomeFlower) and fill out a profile. You can instantly become older, younger, slimmer, taller and of course be a doctor, lawyer or rocket scientist if that's your fancy.
On my profile I put that I am VERY married and not interested in getting involved. That doesn't seem to matter to some folks, they would try to razzle dazzle me with their inteligence and charm - or maybe try and impress me with their PHD - even though I clearly say on my profile "I am not interested....and YOU are NOT an exception"

Oh by the way, people who spend an additional eight years to obtain a PHD in their chosen fields - DON'T HANG AROUND CHAT ROOMS !
Unless they're doing a study of some sort. In which case I would have to say that chat rooms have the highest numbers of highly educated scholars and bonafide card carrying members of  mensa, than any where else on the face of this planet.

Back to the reason fo this entry........... if anyone knows the name of the short movie I mentioned, and/or how I can get a copy of it - I would really appreciate it.

Find your inner Smurf!

Find your inner Smurf!

Sunday, January 12, 2003


I am addicted to "collapse". I thought I was good at it with just over a million as my high score, but I see people with ten times that. I think I'll just play for fun. No use getting frustrated over a silly little game. The good news is that I'm starting to play games. So far I'm getting into spider Solitaire, collapse, and jewel ( I think that's what it's called). Check out this site or this one. The second one is one of my favourite sites - even before I played any games. I stumbled upon it a couple of months ago and fell in love with the design and layout of the site. The guy did a great job putting it together (his games are really good too)

I decided to quit most of the groups I belong to. I just don't have the time or interest anymore. I've been dreadfully depressed lately and don't really want to deal with anyone anymore. I feel like I was trying to come up with some way to make the groups members interested in interacting with each other by sharing stories, jokes, pictures.......whatever. But most of them couldn't care less or they are just interested in chatting. Nothing wrong with that, as long as that is not all there is.
One other thing went into my decision to quit everything....... I lost faith in some of my online "friends". I'm using the term loosely. One in particular turned out to be something other than what she said she was. We chatted and spoke on the phone. Seemed to have sooooo much in common and I felt like she was a true friend. Then she disappeared. Didn't hear anything from her for months and when she finally resurfaced, she was different. I can't explain it. She seemed distant as if we never spoke at all. So for my friendship I got a kick in the butt and a slap in the face.

As for the rest of the gang........Elly is still awsome and Scooby is getting married Woo Hoo ! And then there's Karen - the only person I knew deep in my heart would greatly benefit from and enjoy having her own group and website. She's doing a great job too !

From now on, I'm sticking to my webpages and blog. That's it!

Wednesday, January 08, 2003

I'm having a huge problem with my urge to smoke. It's been 3 or 4 months since I quit and all of a sudden I'm getting serious urges to smoke again. I've tried tracing the beginning of these urges just to see how and where they started (again) and the only thing I can come up with is the new years eve celebration. The place wasn't smoke free and I think everyone there smoked at least an entire pack that night. The place was packed and there had to be at least 300 people there. I think I inhaled so much second hand smoke that it's making me want to smoke all over again.
I don't think that's an option anymore. I've gained so much weight since I quit I don't want to risk getting addicted to the stuff all over again. What a joke!!! Obviously I'm still addicted to it or it wouldn't be an issue. I feel terrible about my weight and need to get myself motivated enough to start some kind of weight loss program. I'm going to track my progress (MAYBE) in my blog and maybe inspire or be inspired by peoples comments.
Maybe not!!!
A short list of what I didn't want to be when I grew up:    
  • short    
  • fat    
  • old
    Oops too late !

    My son disappeared for a few hours tonight. Of course I didn't know for over an hour since he lives next door. So I called to ask him something and he's not there. I called his cell phone and he had it shut off. I hate it when he does that ! What the hell does he think the cell phone is for ? Maybe I'm a bit protective, but my God, there are so many strange things happening all the time and I'm always on edge in this city.
    I wish I was back in the county. That's all I think about anymore it seems. I guess I'm finally realizing that my dream of living the country life out in the county, is becoming more a neccessity.
    We never should've moved into the city.

    Tomorrow is another day........a better day, I hope!

  • Friday, January 03, 2003


    I took a quiz and it turns out that I am a grumpy carebear. Hmmm!

    See what Care Bear you are.

    Thursday, January 02, 2003

    It's 2003 !!!

    Happy New Year
    Everyone, Everywhere