I saw a short movie (I think they call them "movie shorts") that ran in the break between movies. I don't know what it's called. I've been looking for it ever since.
Here's the scenario:
An odd group of men, women and children sitting in a room, wearing name tags all speaking in broken sentences. One woman (named "huggy bear" or a name equally as ridiculous) kept asking people if they want hugs. A young girl (of twelve or thirteen) responding to another person, blurts out "do you have a big c*** ?". Two men in private conversation are becoming intimate....one of them - named Sally, is complaining about his homophobic room mate. I think you probably see where this is going.
This 5 or 10 minute movie depicts the deception of chat rooms. The young girl and older women both misrepresenting their ages. One of the two men engaged in intimate conversation, misrepresented his gender. Etc, etc......
Everyone knows all you need to do is pick a name (mine is HomeFlower) and fill out a profile. You can instantly become older, younger, slimmer, taller and of course be a doctor, lawyer or rocket scientist if that's your fancy.
On my profile I put that I am VERY married and not interested in getting involved. That doesn't seem to matter to some folks, they would try to razzle dazzle me with their inteligence and charm - or maybe try and impress me with their PHD - even though I clearly say on my profile "I am not interested....and YOU are NOT an exception"
Oh by the way, people who spend an additional eight years to obtain a PHD in their chosen fields - DON'T HANG AROUND CHAT ROOMS !
Unless they're doing a study of some sort. In which case I would have to say that chat rooms have the highest numbers of highly educated scholars and bonafide card carrying members of mensa, than any where else on the face of this planet.
Back to the reason fo this entry........... if anyone knows the name of the short movie I mentioned, and/or how I can get a copy of it - I would really appreciate it.
Find your inner Smurf!

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