
Just a place for my thoughts, small achievements and rants.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Tragedy of General Motors - February 20, 2006

Who will buy the imports if the domestic auto employees are out of work?

Tonight I ran across this article, The Tragedy of General Motors - February 20, 2006

It's a long article and I must admit, even a GM enthusiast like myself, got tired reading it....but it was soooo worth the time to read each and every word.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

9 1/2 Weeks

That's (just about)how long it has been since I quit smoking.

I quit on January 2nd as my new years resolution.
Most people resolve to make changes and begin on the first of the month...... I decided the first of January is the day NOT to start (or quit) something. That's the day I'm most likely to struggle with and who needs that extra pressure after a night of celebrations.

So, with the help of the patch, I can declare myself smoke free for life. I have one more week to complete the ten week program - then I'm on my own.

I would normally say "wish me luck", but this time, I don't need any luck at all - I'm just happy with the extra cash in my purse and the stubborn determination to successfully remain smoke free.

Stay tuned for the weight loss and diet struggles I'll be posting about in the very near future.