
Just a place for my thoughts, small achievements and rants.

Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Diet Motivation
An online acquaintance has a couple of blogs, one of them is what you would normally expect - a journal with lots of interesting things to read. The other is a new venture - a weight blog. I'm not doing it justice by simplifying the actual content as she provides many interesting and informative items and links.

One of my comments on her blog is what is prompting this entry.....
I responded that I don't visit that blog often, maybe out of jealousy or because I feel distant from the other participants as I can't seem to find the motivation to follow through a health or weight program.

That is the real sad truth in some respects.
I lack motivation and have very little free time to devote to it.
My free time is spent on playing around with my sites. That's the bare-bones truth and I can't won't get into taking better care of myself. The other and more relevant reason is because I find people are less likely to adhere themselves to me when I "know it all". So I don't know it all - or at least work very hard at displaying myself as such.

At my worst I was 50 pounds overweight.
I am far from that now but have more excess girth to dispose of in the weeks or months to come.

Very early on in my blogging life, I merged this journal with my weight issues.....that would be months and months ago and yet, I post a stupid comment somewhere else, about lacking the motivation.

It's sad to have people in life or online, advise me regarding health and such. My current lack of enthusiasm does not reflect accurately my past studies I have grossly misrepresented my educational background and will forever regret going with the flow by responding off the cuff.

Yes, it's true....I have a background in health, nutrition and well being (among other things - with diplomas to prove it, if need be). Our own family physician doesn't even give us advice when the prognosis pertains to food and diet changes - or exercise and physical training. Any surgical procedures that need to be performed and you can bet I will be just as prepared as anyone in the operating room -doctors precluded (sometimes).

Our physician has known me since I was a silly, giggling 13 year old and I am the only person I know of (in my inner circle of friends and relatives) who is asked into the room when he has completed his examination of my husband or children. His response to (any and all, including) my husbands inquiry as to the solution for his cholesteral problem..." (HomeFlower) knows what to do!".

Sometimes "HomeFlower" doesn't want the added burden of figuring things out....sometimes "HomeFlower" is tired and wants someone else to take over.....sometimes "HomeFlower" doesn't want to be anything more than a regular, average person with a mediocre education and a mind full of unanswered questions.

Sometimes "HomeFlower" just wants to be a wife and mother....nothing more, nothing less.

How can I expect anyone to purchase my books if they know I'm in these blogs acting like a total air-head. Such hypocrisy could be detrimental to my future earnings and I would have been better advised to have more foresight before starting all this.

I'm angry at myself right now.
It's time to dig out the self esteem books and wipe away years of dust and cobwebs. Who would have guessed I would be so conflicted....the old adage may well fit this situation, "pysician heal thyself".

Saturday, April 26, 2003

Life with Smokey

Smokey....my friend Frisbees dog, has been acting strange for a few days. She mentions that he goes to doggie daycare and worries that something happened on one of their walks to cause his weird behaviour.

Seems he's frightened and although potty trained, has been having little accidents in the house.

I hope they find out what's going on. It would be so much easier if dogs can vocalize (in human form) what they are feeling or experiencing.

Read all about it here.....

Wednesday, April 23, 2003


1. The dog lives here. You don't.

2. If you don't want dog hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture.

3. Yes, he has some disgusting habits. So do I and so do you. What's
your point?

4. OF COURSE he smells like a dog.

5. I like him a lot better than I like most people.

6. To you he's a dog. To me he's an adopted son who is short, hairy,
walks on all fours and doesn't speak clearly. I have no problem with
any of these things.

7. Dogs are better than kids. They eat less, don't ask for money all
the time, are easier to train, usually come when called, never drive
your car, don't hang out with drug-using friends, don't smoke or
drink, don't worry about whether they have the latest fashions, don't
wear your clothes, don't need a gazillion dollars for college, and if
they get pregnant you can sell the pups.

8. The same applies for the cats, except they will ignore you ...
until you're asleep.

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Crack's Smilies =) - Your source for Smilies, Kaos and Game Sprites!

I collect these things so it was only a matter of time before they found their way onto my blog.
I'm going to find a permanent place for them here ..... aren't they cute?

Wednesday, April 16, 2003


Today is just for fun.......

I'm going to post many of the funny things my friends have emailed.
I hope this puts a smile on some faces.


Marty wakes up at home with a huge hangover He
forces himself to open his eyes, and the first thing
he sees is a couple of aspirins and a glass of water
on the side table. He sits down and sees his clothing
in front of him, all clean and pressed.
Marty looks around the room and
sees that it is in a perfect order,
spotless, clean. So's the rest
of the house. He takes the aspirins
and notices a note on the table
"Honey, breakfast is on the stove, I
left early to go shopping. Love

So he goes to the kitchen and
sure enough there is a hot breakfast
and the morning newspaper. His
son is also at the table, eating.

Marty asks, "Son, what happened
last night?"

His son says, "Well, you came
home after 3 AM, drunk and delirious.
You broke some furniture, puked
in the hallway, and gave yourself a
black eye when you stumbled into
the door."

Confused, Marty asks, "So, why
is everything in order and so clean,
and breakfast is on the table
waiting for me?"

His son replies, "Oh that! Mom
dragged you to the bedroom, and when
she tried to take your pants
off, you said, "Lady, leave me alone,
I'm married'!"