
Just a place for my thoughts, small achievements and rants.

Monday, February 24, 2003


I'm not weighing myself at all today. I might not weigh myself until the end of the week because I think I may have over indulged in the goodies this weekend and don't want to be disappointed.

On Saturday, hubby decided to buy chips and beer for us and some "nutritious" dehydrated fruits & nuts. Well, I had probably 4 beers, with a small soup bowl of chips and several handfuls of the dried stuff.

As if that wasn't bad enough, on Sunday we had lasagna balanced with a salad and oil and lemon juice dressing. I thought I was doing good.....sort of, until shortly after dinner when hubby decided we should go for a ride and pick up some Krispy Kreme donuts.

I was ready in minutes and hopped into the car eagerly, excited to try this product that's new to our city.
Ya, ya, I was really impressed with the fresh donuts rolling off the conveyor thingy, but I just wanted to grab the dozen and go home. Which we did.
We then drove home and waited for the coffee - and then freshly brewed coffee in one hand and freshly baked donuts in the other, we went to the media room and mooo'ed down 2 donuts each.

At 12 grams of fat each, I know I overindulged......
So this week might be a total write-off. I'm not saying I'm not going to watch what I eat, it's just that I can't diet any harder.

Tonight it's liver and onions with mashed potatos and a vegetable (not sure what kind yet). I'm not going to eat any less than I normally would and will make a mental note not to get my cholesterol checked any time in the immediate future.

Thursday, February 20, 2003

My total weight loss so far is 10 pounds.
That doesn't seem like much, but it is.
It's ten pounds lighter LOL

Last weekend hubby and I splurged with our meals and sort of overdid the partying....wine and stuff.
We've been doing that every weekend and we're both still losing weight, the only difference is he walks 45 minutes a day during his lunch break and I just sit.
I guess the other difference is the testosterone that allows men to eat more calories and burn more off.

That's just not fair.
If they bottled it and sold it to women, would it be a hit?
Maybe not worth the extra thick moustache or armpit hair it would produce as an exchange for more lean, less fat body.

I'm whining again, probably brought on by hunger or lack of sleep.

I stopped taking my diet pills at night because I end up awake until 4 in the morning playing on my computer or watching a sappy old movie. Now, I sleep at a more reasonable hour (1 -1:30) and wake up earlier.
The diet pills don't make me hyper or anything like that, so I really don't know why they'd keep me awake.
Hell, they don't even make my hunger pangs go away either. They just take the hunger sensation away and leave me with a stomach ache.

That's it for now.
Thanks for popping in!

Monday, February 03, 2003

BMI Calculators

I have lost 8 1/2 pounds since I cut out my late night snack and my BMI is 30.4
I think a few more weeks of this and I'll be on my way to never needing a late night meal again. Woo Hooooooo!
This is so exciting because I can imagine myself in my summer clothes where a few weeks ago I felt doomed to being fat in the hot sun wearing a comfortable moo moo. No worse time to be fat than summer, I think.

The pressure to be thin and attractive is so intense for women and it seems like we don't get to age gracefully. Why aren't we "distinguished" looking with grey hair like our male counterparts. I don't think it's fair to expect perfection from one gendre while complimenting the other on their age acquired imperfections.

I don't want to be a skinny old woman and I WANT grey hair.
I shouldn't be made to compete with my daughters generation to look good.......it's their time to shine in the spotlight and I'm quite content being in the shadows now.
That's how it's supposed to be.
I'm happy enough having people say I was good looking.
And I was!
But now, I wish I can get off this merry-go-round of diets, hair dye, and anti wrinkle creams - and create a new older version of the "me" I once was.

Having said all this in protest, to no-one in particular, let me restate the initial purpose of this post ........... I lost eight and a half pounds. Woooo Hoooo!

That's it for now, thanks for stopping by.